Top 5 POS Solutions for Stadiums & Festivals

Discover the top 5 POS solutions for stadiums and festivals designed for rapid transactions and improved customer service.


Top 5 POS Solutions for Stadiums & Festivals

In fast-paced event environments like stadiums and festivals, every second is crucial. This selection presents a curated list of top POS systems, each optimised for rapid transactions, mobile use, and much more. These systems are essential for excelling in the challenging arena of event sales, offering the efficiency and adaptability needed to succeed.

1.  Mobile POS Systems

A Mobile POS system is a portable point-of-sale platform that allows for the processing of transactions directly from mobile devices. Essential in high-traffic venues like stadiums and music festivals, these systems are designed to handle sales efficiently and enhance customer service.

Advantages of employing a mobile POS system include:

  • Expedited transaction processing for immediate service, which is critical for keeping up with the fast pace of events and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Reduced waiting times, leading to improved customer experiences, as attendees appreciate quick service that allows them to return to enjoying the event.
  • Access to analytics for data-driven business decisions, enabling event organisers to optimise operations and enhance the overall event experience.

These systems are not only pivotal for increasing sales efficiency but also provide valuable insights to shape business strategies. With the ability to support diverse payment options and adapt to the energetic pace of events, mobile POS systems are a fundamental tool for event organisers.

2.  Mobile App Ordering

Mobile app ordering represents a strategic advancement in enhancing the attendee experience at stadiums and festivals.

For instance, rather than queuing for refreshments, guests can effortlessly order from their mobile devices and collect their purchases at their convenience. This innovation is timely, as a notable one-third of customers are now more inclined to place orders via mobile apps.

The benefits of using mobile app ordering include the following:

  • Increased revenue opportunities as mobile ordering can boost per capita spending by offering a more streamlined and personalised purchasing process.
  • Improved service speed, reducing wait times and streamlining operations, which in turn can lead to a higher throughput of orders and a better utilization of staff and resources.
  • Enhanced customer convenience, encouraging repeat usage and driving loyalty and retention by providing a seamless, hassle-free ordering experience that caters to the modern attendee’s desire.

Adopting mobile app ordering systems is a forward-thinking approach that aligns with contemporary consumer expectations, offering a competitive edge in the event management industry.

3.  Self-Service Kiosks

A self-service kiosk is an interactive terminal with a user-friendly interface that enables customers to handle their transactions on their own.

At a stadium, rather than queuing for a snack, attendees can go to a digital kiosk, select items from an on-screen menu, and complete the payment swiftly and independently.

Key advantages of self-service kiosks include the following:

  • Swift transaction processing enhances customer experiences by significantly cutting down on wait times.
  • Direct order input by customers minimises errors and improves order fulfilment accuracy.
  • Encourages increased customer expenditure, with data showing that users spend about 20% more when using kiosks, thanks to the strategic highlighting of offerings.
  • Boosts customer satisfaction by offering a streamlined, stress-free ordering process, as confirmed by studies where a majority of consumers reported queue length as a major source of frustration.

Overall, self-service kiosks are an essential component in modernising the customer service approach in high-traffic venues. They not only make the ordering process more efficient and enjoyable for the customer but also contribute to the business’s bottom line.

4.  Contactless Payments

The introduction of contactless payments marks a significant shift in transaction methods at high-energy venues such as stadiums and festivals. These modern payment options are embraced by 66% of customers who prefer businesses that offer touch-free alternatives, showcasing a clear movement towards these payment solutions.

Key benefits of contactless payments for POS systems include the following:

  • Transactions with contactless payments are lightning-fast, which means guests spend less time waiting and more time enjoying the event
  • Contactless payments come with strong encryption to protect consumer data, offering a safer transaction environment and reducing fraud.
  • The touch-free nature of contactless payments means less physical contact, aligning with the health priorities of today’s society.

Integrating contactless payment systems within your business infrastructure represents a strategic move toward financial efficiency and customer satisfaction. In an era where convenience is paramount, providing such seamless and secure payment options places your venue at the forefront of customer service innovation.

5.  Loyalty Programs and Promotions

In today’s competitive event landscape, loyalty programs and promotions are smart strategies for keeping customers coming back.

These programs, integrated into POS systems, reward attendees for their continued support, offering them special deals and incentives for future events.

The advantages of such loyalty schemes are manifold:

  • They provide a platform for offering discounts and reward points, making each customer’s investment feel more valuable.
  • Data-driven personalisation of promotions can lead to a 77% long-term commitment from customers.
  • A well-designed loyalty program can increase the perceived value of a brand, with 84% of customers more likely to stick with brands that offer rewards.
  • Effective communication of these benefits is key, as it has been observed that a significant portion of a company’s revenue—65%—comes from its loyal customer base.

The art of maintaining customer interest lies in the thoughtful curation of experiences that resonate on a personal level. POS systems equipped with loyalty program capabilities are not just tools for transactional benefits; they are pivotal in forging lasting relationships with attendees.


As we’ve explored, selecting an optimal POS solution is crucial for efficient operations and enhanced customer satisfaction at stadiums and festivals.

A well-chosen POS system streamlines the ordering process for both attendees and staff, accommodating various payment methods and simplifying internal management. The integration of these systems into event venues can significantly expedite service delivery, allowing customers to spend more time enjoying the event and less time waiting in line.

The implementation of mobile ordering and self-service order terminals is a game-changer, driving sales and enriching the customer experience by enabling independent ordering and payment, while also presenting upsell opportunities. These technologies can drastically reduce queue times, clarify transaction details, and offer the potential to cut staffing costs.

Moreover, POS systems equipped with data collection features can revolutionise event management by offering valuable insights into customer behaviour, optimising sales, and tailoring the customer journey.